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Buckden Roundabout

November 2017

The monthly meeting of the

Parish Council, including a 15 minutes long Public Forum will be held Tuesday 14th


If required, the

Parish Council’s Planning Committee

will meet on

Tuesday 14th and Tuesday 28th November

starting 7pm. Agendas for the meetings are posted on the Parish Council notice boards not later than the Saturday

preceding the meeting.

Buckden Parish Council

Buckden Parish Council News...

Fresh produce and good exercise

Cultivating an allotment has long been recognised as an excellent way of enjoying fresh fruit and vegetables, as well

as providing vigorous exercise in the open air. It’s a good way of enabling children to understand the horticultural

processes and to have great fun, and take pride, in producing their own food.

We realise, though, that everyone is very busy and that to take on a full allotment can be quite daunting. As a con-

sequence, the Parish Council has decided to divide two allotments to create four

Starter Allotments

. These will be

an ideal size for those who do not have a great deal of time but still want all the advantages of ‘grow your own’.

Additionally, we are converting one allotment to a

communal area

. This will be somewhere children can run around

and play when they get a little bored and where allotment holders can take a well-earned break, perhaps with a pic-

nic, during their labours.

If you would like to take on an allotment, it would be rotavated ready for you to begin. Allotment holders are a very

friendly bunch and will be on hand to offer help, advice and, very often, fruit and vegetable plants.

It’s the time of the year when allotment holders commit to a new year so, if you want to take on a Starter Allot-

ment, or even a full-sized plot, please don’t hesitate in contacting the Clerk to the Parish Council, details below.

Safer Cycling to Brampton..…and Beyond

Residents who have lived in our community for some time will remember the establishment of the cycling route

through Brampton to Huntingdon, introduced under the Safer Cycling to School initiative.

This route has been a great boon for cyclists from Buckden. However, there is one point in the route that causes

concern, where the route crosses from one side of the road to the other, near the hand car wash, just this side of

Brampton. Parish Councillors are currently working with Peter Downes, County Councillor, and Brampton Parish

Council to try to make this safer. The current thinking is the installation of a pedestrian refuge at this point.

As with all our work, we’ll keep you posted on this page and on our website (details below).


Our energetic Highways and Road Safety Working Group have breathed new life into the Speedwatch team by re-

cruiting new members. Watch out for more frequent Speedwatch checks, particularly on the Perry Road and in

Church Street.

If you would like to be a Speedwatcher, please contact the Clerk – additional members would enable more checks!

Any questions or comments on this report can be addressed to the Parish Clerk, Georgina West, Clerk to Buckden

Parish Council, Buckden Village Hall, Burberry Road, Buckden PE19 5UY.

Telephone (01480) 819407; Email

Do not forget our website at