August 2022

3 Buckden Roundabout August 2022 Buckden Roundabout Team Editors - Articles & Events Ian Carter and Alec MacAndrew Email: 33 Beaufort Drive, Buckden, PE19 5YU 07515 737636 Webmaster Alec MacAndrew Email: Proofreading and editorial assistance Wendy Trattner Advertisements and Payments Fiona Shirley Email: Distribution Co - ordinators Wendy Thelwall, Lesley MacAndrew, Patricia Ford Contact this email for info: Email: Front Cover This month ’ s front cover shows the field behind Vineyard Way being harvested, and was provided by Martin Shirley. We are very grateful. We are looking for more photos and paintings of any kind that we could use as a front cover. We can photograph paintings if you only have original artwork. Please note that photos should ideally be in portrait format and should be a minimum of 2400 x 1700 pixels. More is better! All advertisements and non - advertising material are printed in good faith. Neither the Buckden Roundabout nor the Buckden Parish Council can accept any responsibility for the content of the advertisements, the services provided by the advertisers or any statements made in the advertisements or non - advertising material. No part of this publication may be reproduced or stored with- out the express permission of the Editor of the Buckden Roundabout. THE DEADLINE FOR RECEIPT OF ALL MATERIAL FOR THE SEPTEMBER EDITION IS NO LATER THAN 4.30 pm ON WEDNESDAY 10TH AUGUST HOWEVER, SPACE IS ALLOCATED ON A FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED, BASIS. IT IS REGRETTED THAT ANY CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED AFTER THE DEADLINE WILL NOT BE INCLUDED. August Production Dates Production dates for the September Edition of the Rounda- bout are as follows: Copy deadline: Wednesday 10 August Proof Reading Friday 12 August Copy to Printers Tuesday 16 August Distribution Thursday 25 August Contents Buckden Parish Council 4 From Your District Councillor 5 Church News 6 - 8 For your Diary 9 - 10 Village News 11, 12, 14, 15, 17 Helping the planet 13 School & Pre - school 16 Advertisements & Classifieds 18 - 24 August 2022 I ’ m tempted to write “ Phew! What a scorcher! ” But that would be a cliché, wouldn ’ t it? We ’ re all in meltdown as I write this. Luckily Buckfest happened just before the three hottest days of the year. As it was, Buckfest Saturday was about as hot as it could be without being ridiculous. What a fantastic Buckfest we had this year. It just seems to get better and better—the music was great, the atmosphere was wonderful and every- one seemed to have the most amazing time. And all this in support of a number of excellent local charities. We are very lucky to have this event in the village. Thank you to Rick Hold- en and the entire Buckfest team, the committee and all the volunteers who work so hard to make it truly memorable eve- ry year. Check out the advice on page 13 provided by your Parish Council about how you can do your bit to mitigate the chang- ing climate, help the planet and save money into the bargain. Also in this edition, check out page 14 for the annual Opera- tion Christmas Child Shoebox Appeal and for vacancies at the Almshouses. A reader asked us to remind everyone to take their wheelie bins in once HDC collection has visited. Bins left out are an eyesore and block pavements for parents with pushchairs and for disabled in buggies and wheelchairs, so please do remem- ber to take them in. Finally, just a reminder that we are always looking for articles which would be of interest to our readers, about history, local life, wildlife and so on—anything really that might interest Buckden people. Please remember to visit the Roundabout website. As well as every edition from 2013 onwards available to see, there are often articles there that we could not fit into the print edition, as well as information that arrives during the month. The online edition of the magazine is in full colour: This month ’ s editor - Alec MacAndrew Editor ’ s Page Advertising Manager Assistant W ar looking for an assistant to work with our Adv rtising Manager, Fiona Shirley. Your Roundabout is run 100% by v l- unteers. For more information please contact Fiona at