December 2013 - page 17

November was a busy month at the Hall with both the East Anglian Bull Terrier and East Anglian Border Terrier
dog shows taking place, Crystal Blues dancing the weekend away, LA Dance holding their awards afternoon here,
as well as the Pre-school Christmas Fair and 4 children celebrating their birthdays. A new Line Dancing Class
trialled in the main hall on Tuesday afternoons, and Acupuncture, Hospice at Home, the County Council and a
Teachers Conference all used our training facilities.
Maintenance works to the hall saw the replacement of the weather worn exterior doors, the annual servicing of the
boilers and small decoration works inside the hall.
We are planning a fresh new look for the main hall in the New Year, and to that end the hall will be decorated
shortly after Christmas, and we are currently reviewing quotes for the stripping and re-varnishing of the wooden
If you haven’t yet purchased your 100 Club ticket there is still time before our special Christmas draw with
a first prize of £100!!
Tickets are just £12 for the year with quarterly draws. Please email Rachel for a booking
form (
). The Christmas draw will take place on Friday 20
Christmas Closing. Please note that the Hall itself will be closed for the festive period from Wednesday
December through to Wednesday 1
January inclusive
. (The Library and Village Club will have their own
Finally, the Staff and Trustees of Buckden Village Hall wish all residents a very Happy Christmas and a Peaceful
and Prosperous New Year, and we look forward to hosting your functions in 2014.
During October, Friends in Deed held their AGM, too late to be reported in last month's Roundabout. This was
probably the best attended meeting we have held and we were pleased to welcome members of our team, some
of the friends they visit, representatives of the Monday Club and also Brampton Befrienders and other well-
Our Coordinator Christine Lawrence, gave a detailed report of what we have achieved and how we hope to pro-
gress in the coming year. She highlighted the rise in membership, the popularity of the tea parties, the help we
have been able to give as well as visiting, especially driving, our current Transport arrangements, and the publi-
cation of the Transport in Buckden leaflet. She also described two areas where we are very pleased to work with
other village organisations; the Carers/Parents and Toddlers group[which includes Babies] and the Parish Coun-
cil with whom we hope to produce a Village Welcome Pack. Copies of this report can be found in St.Mary's
Church. The atmosphere throughout was warm and encouraging.
Then came a potential disappointment. Our speaker for the evening Pam Fraser from Age UK was taken ill, too
late in the day to find a replacement. The two ladies from Brampton Befrienders, a group similar in its aims to
Friends in Deed came hoping to hear a speaker and found they were the speaker! They accepted our invitation to
talk about their own group and without any preparation gave an excellent presentation. Their most successful ini-
tiative has been to hold a weekly Coffee Morning where up to 40 people drop in to enjoy the company and some-
times to talk over a problem with one of the Befrienders. It gave us confidence that we were on the right lines in
setting up our more modest “Drop in for a Cup of Tea” on the first Wednesday of every month.
We shall of course continue to host our tea parties and one is already planned for Wednesday February 12
. Be-
fore then we have Christmas: not an easy time for everybody. Those who wish to celebrate the feast of Christmas
but feel unable to join in the pervading cheerfulness have in the past found that the Quiet Christmas Service on
Christmas Eve exactly meets their needs. It will be held again this year and some Friends in Deed will be present
to offer a warm drink and a listening ear where this is appropriate.
Our Co-ordinator, Chris Lawrence
07810 006598
is always ready to give information or answer calls for help.
Andy Scott
07914 669967
responds to all requests for transport.
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