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Buckden Roundabout

March 2019

Buckden Parish Council

Buckden Parish Council News...

Planning Matters

Lucks Lane

The Parish Council continues to work with Highways

England to achieve a safer Stirtloe Lane/A1 junction. The

developers have been asked to complete another exam-

ination of the safety of the junction and submit a sug-

gested solution to Highways England.

Silver Street

Parish Council is gravely concerned by the road safety

implications of the Church Commissioners application to

build 340 houses to the north of Silver Street. Infor-

mation contained in the Church Commissioners’ expert

Transport Assessment not only agrees that the rounda-

bout is already at capacity but highlights that it will be

well over capacity after the Lucks Lane development is

completed. The assessment shows that the present

queue length of around 7 cars in the High Street waiting

to access the roundabout will increase to 42 with ex-

isting predicted growth and to a staggering 316 (nearly a

mile and a quarter) when the Silver Street development

is included by 2026. Their assessment also ignores the

knock-on effects ay the main Line Level Crossing. There

are numerous other reasons why the Parish Council be-

lieves that this application should be refused; the full

Council response to HDC can be seen on our website

and is available from the Parish Clerk.

To summarise the Parish Council has recommended

most strongly that the application be REFUSED

Road Safety

School Level Crossing

By the time you read this the new Zebra Crossing will be

in place and the Bus Stop changed to the other side of

the green.

Perry Road

The result of the Council’s application for CCC funds for

Traffic Calming Measures will be announced in March.

Neighbourhood Plan

Work continues to complete the plan. Full details will be

announced at the Parish Assembly on 23


April. The

assembly is residents’ opportunity to hear reports from

their County and District Councillors and from the Parish

Council on what has been achieved and perhaps not

achieved during the year

2018/19. Please try to attend.

Parish Council Vacancies

It is anticipated that there may be a vacancy at the end

of the current Council year. If you are interested in be-

coming a Councillor and helping to shape the future of

the village please contact either the Chairman or the


Office Opening Hours

The Office opening hours are: Mon, Wed and Thurs

10.30am-2.00pm, Tuesday 2-4 pm, Fri – closed.

Council Meetings

The next meeting of the Council will be held at 7.30pm

on Tuesday 12


March. The meeting will include a 15

minute open forum. Residents are asked to apply in

writing to the Parish Clerk by 6th March, outlining what

they wish to say, for a three minute slot.

If required, the Council Planning Committee will meet

on Tuesday 26


February and Tuesday 12


March at

7.00pm. Agendas for these meetings are posted on the

Parish Council notice boards not later than the Saturday

preceding the meeting.

All of the papers and reports for Council meetings are

available on the Thursday before the meeting on the

council website


provides the opportunity for residents to see the reports

of the work carried out by the Council as well reports

from our County and District Councillors.

Any questions or comments on this report should be

addressed to the Parish Clerk at:

Buckden Parish Council, Buckden Village Hall,

Burberry Road, Buckden, PE19 SUY

Telephone 01480 819407


Any questions or comments on this report can be addressed to the Parish Clerk, Buckden Parish Council, Buckden Village Hall,

Burberry Road, Buckden PE19 5UY. Telephone (01480) 819407; Email

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